Saying Goodbye to Your Former Job
Leaving your job can be complicated. People may be inconvenienced and feelings may be hurt. To make things as simple and professional as possible, follow these guidelines: Decide on a Timeline: Figure out if you should give two weeks’ notice or more. You don’t want to leave projects hanging. Remember the People: Your superiors and […]
A Quick Way to Improve Your Networking
People report feeling dirty when they network—they feel like they are trying to get something for nothing. The best way to remedy this is to make sure you’re focusing on the people that you’re meeting and serving them rather than on what they can provide. You have to ask yourself a few questions while pursuing […]
LinkedIn Tips to Do Each Month
LinkedIn is an important social media tool in your professional life. It can provide you with additional opportunities and connections in your career. It is your professional brand. Even if you are in the same job as last year, there are a few things you must update every month on LinkedIn: Skills: You are learning […]
A Quick Way to Improve a Weakness at Work
While we should be focusing most of our effort in areas where we are strong, there are some weaknesses that can’t be ignored. Being disorganized, indecisive, perfectionistic, and unable to delegate are problems regardless of where you shine. To improve in any area of your weakness, finding a mentor will help. One can give you […]
Finding Your Strengths at Work
Do you find yourself looking for your weaknesses and trying to improve on them? That shows you have character—but isn’t the smartest way to go about things. In today’s skills-based economy, you should find your strengths and work on them. You have a unique genius in some area and that is what you should be […]
Perfectionism Stops us from Reaching our Goals
Many of us suffer from perfectionism. We want everything to be just right — until one day when some action or experience gets in the way of our quest for perfection, and we find that perfection may not be achievable. Sometimes, when we find that we can’t achieve perfection, we just give up on trying […]
What Staying in Your Current Job is Costing You…
High blood pressure, insomnia, weight gain, weakened immune system, a lowered sense of self-worth, aching relationships, anxiety, or depression. Have you guessed the physical cause of these ailments yet? Studies show that these symptoms can manifest themselves in response to not being happy in your job. Your mental well-being and your physical health are intricately […]
Happiness Can Be Created By…
There is a tendency for people to return to a relatively stable level of happiness even after a terrible event. Those who win the lottery aren’t forever ecstatic and those who lose a loved one don’t feel lost forever. You – not the outside world – create your own happiness. You have to take charge […]
A Positive Work Environment
There is nothing more fundamental to our humanity than our sense of belonging. Author Simon Sinek says that the workplace is our modern tribe. To reap the benefits of our inherent desire to pull together and create positive momentum, we must feel safe, appreciated and free to expand our comfort zone. How do you do […]
Developing Your Purpose
Living a life infused with meaning is the ultimate reward. Figuring out what that meaning is takes a bit of effort. You must examine yourself and ask tough questions. “What do I enjoy?” is necessary, but not enough. You need to ask: What am I uniquely talented at? What can I deliver in a way […]