Who is Mark Danaher?

Mark Danaher is a certified coach, master trainer and educator who is known for his ability to motivate and inspire people. He maximizes their potential to be successful in life and in their career transitions. Mark is both curious and a high-integrity coach who has a passion for changing lives. He has an ability to establish trusting relationships with his clients and also to form strategic partnerships with large organizations. He is an expert at influencing people to develop their skills, overcome their fears, take action and find a career that they love. His skills and career are attributed to his ability to gain consensus, lead boards, create training programs, and steer strategy of educational / coaching program development.

Mark is a highly sought-after thought leader & award-winning coach. He has been invited to speak and present at countless industry events. He delivered 10 keynote speeches across the United States to various career counseling associations. He has also won multiple awards for excellence in coaching and career development program creation.


Certifications and Credentials

My Mission

I am here to help you gain clarity, build confidence and finally find a career and life you love. When you are doing what you love, you will be living a better life because you will be doing something you are passionate about, while creating the impact you want to create on the world.

I am on a mission to use my experiences to help and serve you, so you don’t have to struggle with the issues that I had to overcome in my career. I know what it feels like to be lost, unsure of what you want to do. I’ve been burnt out before and I was once in a place of not knowing how to take action to accomplish my career goals.

I had to overcome all these challenges to find my calling in life. I am here to help you avoid all these struggles, overcome your fears, procrastination, and limiting beliefs and give you a system of practical steps to take to find the life and career that you love.


My Vision

Is to make a positive impact on the world. I want to help people over come their fears, find their purpose, find their passion and live the lives they actually want to live. So many times I see people stuck in jobs they hate, doing things they don’t want to do. When people are stuck in these kind of situations, they won’t create the positive impact on the world that they actually want to make. They feel unmotivated, lost, bored, burnt out and stuck in a place they don’t want to be. I aim to be a driving force in changing that.

People can make their own positive impact on the world when they do what they love. In doing so, people will be happier and the world we live in will be a better place because of it. I want to compound this effect by being a guide, teacher, coach and mentor to those who are ready to step into their purpose and calling in life. Helping others become guides, teachers, mentors and career counselors is one of the things I aim to do. The more we empower others to live the life they want to live, the more change we can create on a larger scale.


My Hobbies and Interests

I am an explorer and I love the outdoors. I’m very active so I love to move and exercise. I’m an avid cyclist, paddle boarder, and trekker. I see amazing sights in the places I go so I enjoy doing photography. I am a family man who loves spending time with them on all sorts of adventures.