Adding More Self-Care in Your Workday
Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Self-Care Practice During Your Workday? We all know how important it is to take care of ourselves,

The Power of Small Steps: Achieving Your Best Life One Day at a Time
You’ve probably heard the saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” And as much as we’d like to achieve our goals all at once, it’s

How To Appear Confident When You’re Nervous
No one knows what you are feeling on the inside…We all get nervous from time to time and it is important to stay confident and

How to Recharge YOU?
The most important person is YOU. Are you doing enough during these holidays and throughout the year to Recharge YOU? We tend to neglect ourselves

Who Do You Want to Become
I’m going to discuss how to become the person you want to become. I’ll share with you insights and thoughts on why you want to

Why Powerful Affirmations Matter
Why powerful affirmations matter and how they can help change your life. Affirmations are words or phrases that you repeat to yourself over and over