Using a Vision Board

What is holding you back in your life?  Do you know where you want to go?  Have you taken time to reflect on your future vision?

Using a vision board to advance in the career and life you want

A vision board can help maintain your determination to progress in your career. When we first enter the job market, it is easy to stay motivated. Moving from being a student, mainly dependent on loans or family for support, it is a great feeling to see your first paycheck and growing bank account. Often, acquiring […]


It is hard to keep focused on your goals, especially when you have to juggle your personal and professional life. It wasn’t easy before Covid, but in its aftermath, it has become even more difficult. A vision board may be the answer. It can help keep your determination and motivation up and drive you forward […]

Let Mindfulness Help You Advance Your Career

It’s easy to understand why mindfulness has entered the mainstream. It builds a sense of self-worth, focus, creativity, awareness, and happiness. It improves our sleep, reduces stress, and eases anxiety. There are even some indications that it improves our physical health and extends our lives. At work, it can make us happier and more fulfilled, […]

The Power of Positive Affirmations

The power of a statement has no boundaries, especially with positive affirmations in the workplace. Often, you find may yourself discouraged by obstacles, challenges, and hindrances in your daily working life.  They can pile up and make you feel like success is unobtainable. Positive affirmations can be the key to moving past these roadblocks and […]

Doing the Little Things

It is not always the biggest item on your to-do list that wins it for you.  Doing the little things consistently might get you farther…listen to find out more.

Practice Self Care at Work to be Successful

Is self-care really necessary in achieving success? I believe it is. Those who can focus on themselves and not on others will have a clear-cut path to achieve their professional goals. So how do you practice self-care in the workplace? I have a few ideas on how to do it. Why Self-Care at Work is […]

Your Job Search is like Operating a Smiwwing Pool

Have you ever tried to keep a pool operating well for the summer season?  Well, there can be many frustrations and unknowns even with the help of youtube and google.  In the end, what do you do?  The same can be said of the job search and dead ends and many frustrations you face there.  […]

Work Life Blending

Work-Life Blending is Important as You Consider a Career Change: Things to Consider Boundaries between our working environments and everyday lives have changed. The advancements in technology, COVID, remote work and the increasingly rapid pace of business have arguably erased the confines of a ‘9-5’ job. Many workers find their personal time shortened by the […]

Morning Routines

How do you start your morning? Are you actively setting up for success or failure? It does not take that long to make your morning a win. Take a minute to listen to my video.  You will be amazed at what it will do for your life.