Finding your Purpose and Unlocking your Best Life

If you feel like you’re stuck in a rut, it might be time to find your true purpose in life. Once you know what you’re meant to do with your life, everything else will fall into place. In this article, we’ll show you how to find your reason for being so that you can start […]
What is Your Identity All About?

Do you know who you truly are? You go through life as a robot living and breathing your career, but never think about the real you. The person outside of work. Stop saying you are your career and begin to focus on the other aspects of your life…
Developing your identity outside of your career

You’ve spent years developing your identity within your career. But what happens when you want to leave that career behind? How do you develop a new one outside of your job? In this article, we’ll explore how to develop your individuality outside of your career. What is Identity? Identity is who you are as an […]
Three Ways to Reduce Stress Are you struggling with stress? Let me share three ways to reduce stress at work and home….
Benefits of Working with a Coach

Hello and welcome to my LinkedIn newsletter! This week’s edition of the newsletter is centered on ways coaching can benefit you. Many times we are struggling with no one to turn to, a coach can be the person to listen and provide perspective to help you elevate your career and life. Just in case you […]
Are you Struggling? Are you feeling lonely, doubting yourself, and not sure what to do? Many people are struggling with the same. Check out my video to learn more…
Leaders are Struggling

Leaders are Struggling With No One to Turn to Many leaders are expected to be superheroes who can do everything and devote their entire day and night to their organization. They are the ones who are there to lead and provide that beacon of light for others to follow. The reality is that these leaders […]
Self Care is… What are you doing right now to take care of yourself? You often put others before yourself which is hurting you…take a minute to listen to some advice that you must implement each day!
I’m a Loser!!

Well, not exactly. I don’t like losing, but it happens every day. Maybe not losing, but failing. There is rarely a day when I do not experience some kind of failure. It could be minor, like spilling something on my shirt, to something bigger. I have learned to embrace failure. Failure is an important part […]
Reflecting on this past year

If you are looking to celebrate 2021 and get ready for 2022, it is important to reflect back on what went well and where you would like to go. Take a moment and check on this short video…