Why Do You Need Self-Care

https://youtu.be/LIblT0u1uyA Do you know about self-care? It is essential to function well in your life and career. Take a minute to hear more about ways you can incorporate self-care into your life…
3 ways to boost your career

3 Ways to Boost Your Career Are you feeling like your career is going nowhere? Do you have the desire for a more prominent role in your industry? It’s not uncommon for professionals to feel stuck in their careers. Sometimes certain circumstances will weigh upon us where we think there’s no way up. The truth […]
Are you a leader?

Are you a leader? I believe you are! As a leader, it is important to understand and use your energy well each day. Take a moment and watch this short two-minute video to learn more. https://youtu.be/h7ravS8uKCM
Two Ways to Gain Clarity in Your Career and Life

Let me share two ways you can gain clarity in your life and career. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=rna33UPHrLA&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fmarkdanaher.com%2F&embeds_referring_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fmarkdanaher.com&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDI4NjY2&feature=emb_logo
Failed Goals

Have you been rethinking your strategy to the goals you believed you would have moved forward on so far…It might be time for a reboot. https://youtu.be/-9f_s-hZTrc
Three Ways to Reduce Stress

https://youtu.be/iDCI9rutfYI Are you struggling with stress? Let me share three ways to reduce stress at work and home….
Benefits of Working with a Coach

Hello and welcome to my LinkedIn newsletter! This week’s edition of the newsletter is centered on ways coaching can benefit you. Many times we are struggling with no one to turn to, a coach can be the person to listen and provide perspective to help you elevate your career and life. Just in case you […]
Are you Struggling?

https://youtu.be/y0aY_pCz5u8 Are you feeling lonely, doubting yourself, and not sure what to do? Many people are struggling with the same. Check out my video to learn more…
Leaders are Struggling

Leaders are Struggling With No One to Turn to Many leaders are expected to be superheroes who can do everything and devote their entire day and night to their organization. They are the ones who are there to lead and provide that beacon of light for others to follow. The reality is that these leaders […]
Self Care is…

https://youtu.be/cz4NnoV35bE What are you doing right now to take care of yourself? You often put others before yourself which is hurting you…take a minute to listen to some advice that you must implement each day!