Being Mindful

Being Mindful each day is an essential way to be present and alive in your life. Be with the person you are talking with, enjoy the sounds of nature and unplug and enjoy what is around you…

Being Mindful each day is an essential way to be present and alive in your life. Be with the person you are talking with, enjoy the sounds of nature and unplug and enjoy what is around you…
Simple ways to be mindful

Simple ways to Practice Mindfulness in Your Daily Life You don’t need to meditate for hours or go on a silent retreat to reap the benefits of mindfulness. There are many simple ways that you can integrate mindfulness into your daily life such as paying attention to your breath when you’re stuck in traffic to […]
Be Present

Are you present with the people you are talking to you? Are you focused on the here and now or thinking about the future? Listen to learn more about being in the moment…
5 Ways to Refocus Your Career During Midlife Stress

Are you feeling lost in your career? Do you dread going to work each day? If so, you may be experiencing a midlife crisis. This can be difficult for many professionals, as they struggle to figure out what they want to do with their lives. If you’re stuck and don’t know how to move forward, […]
Do You Have It?

Do you have it? Why are you not sure? It is that thin we are striving for and trying to obtain…success, freedom, etc.
Boss Impact on Purpose

Did you ever think about the impact of your manager on your purpose? Your supervisor can have a huge impact on your happiness and purpose at work. Watch this short video to learn more…
Your Bosses Impact on Your Career

Does your boss impact your happiness? your career success? your purpose? Did you ever think that your boss has a direct impact on your career success and happiness at work…
Things to Consider when Choosing a Boss

Why Does the Manager Matter When Choosing A Job? When considering your purpose in choosing a job, you must also consider the manager or superior that you will be working for. Many people believe that if they find a job or passion that they love, their happiness will be guaranteed. However, this is not always […]
You are More Than Your Job: How to Find Purpose in Life Outside of Work

How do you define yourself? Are you your job title? Do you see yourself as a doctor, teacher, lawyer, or accountant? If so, you are not alone. Many people identify with their profession and see themselves only in that role, which can lead to a lot of unhappiness and dissatisfaction. 1. Understand That You Are More […]