Doing the Little Things

It is not always the biggest item on your to-do list that wins it for you.  Doing the little things consistently might get you farther…listen to find out more.

what are you learning

Are you afraid of learning? Is your mind open to learning each day? It is essential if you want to grow and be successful in life and your career. Take a moment to listen in and see what I learned from my daughter…

Unique Gifts

What are your unique gifts in this world? More importantly, are you sharing these gifts with your community? Take a moment to see what you can do to start using your gifts more in your career. Check out my short video on this topic:

You Are Just a Number. And You Are Replaceable, But You Can Be Yourself

You are probably like many others who have the dream of working for a company and moving up the corporate ladder. You give all your time and energy to growing within the company and to being rewarded with titles and compensation.  You are a loyal employee and you believe the company is loyal to you. Well, […]

How to Make a Career Change with Planning and Networking

Two important pieces of making a career change are planning and engaging your network…When thinking about quitting your job or changing a career…it is important to do some research and planning to have consistent action. watch my short video to learn more…

Reinvent Yourself to your true Calling

Yes, You Can Reinvent Yourself During A Pandemic: Here Is How To Connect To Your True Calling Many people have one thing in common almost a year and a half into the pandemic. They are uncertain about their career and have started reinventing themselves for an alternative career. If you are considering doing this as well, I […]


After a year in a pandemic, what reflections have you done about where you are in life and your career? Now is a great time to reinvent who you are and what you do… Check out my short video below…

5 Ways to Reinvent Yourself to Achieve Your Dream Life

Do you remember being a teenager, a young soul searching for its path, following your passion, and deciding what it is that you wanted to do with yourself? I am sure many of you thought long and hard about the “road” and goals that would make you happy.  Now you realize that maybe you should […]

What Do You Do at a Red Light?

What do you do at a red light? How are you feeling? Negative and Anxious or Positive and Calm…Listen and see what you can do to shift your energy.

Five Ways Gratitude Can Boost your Career and Life

One of our most positive and compelling emotions is gratitude. Even though it is a physically and mentally healthy practice that we can quickly cultivate on our own, it is an emotion that many of us rarely experience. Many people get so caught up in the daily grind and the stress of everyday life that […]