5 Ways to Refocus Your Career During Midlife Stress

Are you feeling lost in your career? Do you dread going to work each day? If so, you may be experiencing a midlife crisis. This can be difficult for many professionals, as they struggle to figure out what they want to do with their lives. If you’re stuck and don’t know how to move forward, […]
How I Recovered and Thrived from My Toxic Boss Experience

In my recent article “My Toxic Boss” (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/my-toxic-boss-mark-danaher-career-life-and-leadership-coach-speaker/), I talked about my experience with a new CEO who changed my career and life adversely. While working at this job, I was at the point of burnout and felt discriminated against by my CEO and a lower-level supervisor. I was not in a good place, which […]
Toxic Boss

In my recent articles and videos, I have discussed the impact of a supervisor on your career and happiness. Many of you have asked me to share my experiences of working for a toxic manager. Approximately ten years ago, I was working in an organization where I loved my job, with over an hour commute […]
What is Your Work-Life Balance

Are you out of balance? You are probably running full steam ahead without thinking of the consequences. You need to stop and reflect on your work-life balance. It is critical so you avoid burnout and the life you want and enjoy both professionally and personally. https://youtu.be/V-tiYkRg-sM
The Importance of Work-Life Balance in Advancing Your Career

When making a career decision, it is essential to consider all aspects of your life – especially your work-life balance. Managing a healthy balance between work and personal time is necessary for anyone looking to maintain happiness and to achieve success in their professional life. Here are four reasons why you should regularly focus on […]
3 Ways To Balance Work and …

3 Ways to Balance Your Work and Life More Effectively Are you looking for a sense of well-being? A work-life balance is essential to living a comfortable, well-rounded life. This article will outline ways you can work towards that goal. Is There a Perfect Work-Life Balance? Many of us strive to follow the old idea […]
Emotional Environment and Self Care

How are you taking care of your emotional environment? Most of us ignore it until we are in pain or exhausted from overworking. Take a few minutes to listen to the video to hear some simple ways to do self-care… https://youtu.be/OqUvV1asE7A
Practice Self Care at Work to be Successful

Is self-care really necessary in achieving success? I believe it is. Those who can focus on themselves and not on others will have a clear-cut path to achieve their professional goals. So how do you practice self-care in the workplace? I have a few ideas on how to do it. Why Self-Care at Work is […]
Work-life balance must be a top priority in your life.

Work-life balance must be a top priority in your life. Let me show you have to achieve this essential balance. One of the most basic and significant things in your career is work-life balance. That is a critical ingredient of a fulfilled and happy life. Here is how to achieve it. Your work-life balance can […]
Work-life balance must be a top priority in your life.

Work-life balance must be a top priority in your life. Let me show you have to achieve this essential balance. One of the most basic and significant things in your career is work-life balance. That is a critical ingredient of a fulfilled and happy life. Here is how to achieve it. Your work-life balance can […]