How 5 Minutes of Journaling Daily Changed My Life (And Can Change Yours Too)
“In the journal I do not just express myself more openly than I could to any person; I create myself.” – Susan Sontag Research published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine found that people who journal for 15-20 minutes daily showed a 23% reduction in stress and made better decisions within 8 weeks. Why Journaling […]
You Become What You Focus On – Tips and Strategies

How you direct your attention is one of the most important things you can do to control your life. What you focus on is what you become. If you give attention to the negative, you’ll become negative. If you give attention to the positive, you’ll become positive. It’s that simple. The problem is, in today’s world, it’s […]
How do you live your best life

You have one life and you should be happy and enjoy it each day. Yes, we have bad days, but you need to reflect and think about what you want to do. Step out of your comfort zone and begin to your vision into action… check out my latest video
Being Mindful

Being Mindful each day is an essential way to be present and alive in your life. Be with the person you are talking with, enjoy the sounds of nature and unplug and enjoy what is around you…

Being Mindful each day is an essential way to be present and alive in your life. Be with the person you are talking with, enjoy the sounds of nature and unplug and enjoy what is around you…
Simple ways to be mindful

Simple ways to Practice Mindfulness in Your Daily Life You don’t need to meditate for hours or go on a silent retreat to reap the benefits of mindfulness. There are many simple ways that you can integrate mindfulness into your daily life such as paying attention to your breath when you’re stuck in traffic to […]