Are you one of the 70% of Americans thinking about a new job?
Are you actively looking or thinking about greener pastures?
My question is – WHY?
There is something that is missing or potentially a few things that are missing. If you just change jobs without figuring out your why then nothing may change in the new job. I had one client who kept changing jobs every other year and blaming the employer when in reality it was him.
Here is what I did to get him to do a deep dive into his current situation.
We focused on 5 significant influences on job satisfaction that impacted his life. The one I had him spend time on as engagement to see if he was focused, present, and productive in his work. We looked at his current level of
engagement where I had him describe it. He then wrote out what he wanted it to look like so we could compare the two. Finally, we talked about how he could increase the current level of satisfaction in his present job with
some minor changes. By journaling on different questions and having some honest conversations, we were able to find some ways to improve his engagement and connection with work.
Everyone dreams of another job with more pay or better hours. But It is important to understand what this means as you think about new jobs. Sometimes a little reframing of what you are doing or how you are engaged at work can
change your perspective in your current job. Take some time each month and journal what is going well and what can be improved on to make positive changes in your work..