How Network as an Introvert: Unleashing Your Strengths and Thriving in Networking Events

Networking is not reserved solely for extroverts alone. Introverts possess unique strengths that can be harnessed to make meaningful connections and advance their personal and professional lives. To embrace your strengths, as an introverted networker, you must prepare yourself mentally and seek out networking opportunities that align with your interests. Approach conversations with authenticity, actively […]

5 Signs You Are Ready for a Career Change

In your career, sometimes you go through the same routine day after day. While this routine is comforting, you may be missing the signs that things are not going well in your career. Thinking about a career change can be daunting, but it may be necessary if your job has reached a certain point. Understanding that a […]

5 Essential Steps for Career Change or Growth

Change is undoubtedly the only constant in life. Sure, there was a time when it was typical to spend a lifetime working in the same company. Times have changed, however, and there is a world of opportunities out there. If you no longer find joy and excitement in your daily job, it is perfectly normal […]

You Are Just a Number. And You Are Replaceable, But You Can Be Yourself

You are probably like many others who have the dream of working for a company and moving up the corporate ladder. You give all your time and energy to growing within the company and to being rewarded with titles and compensation.  You are a loyal employee and you believe the company is loyal to you. Well, […]

Starting a Career Change

Are you considering a career change? Do you know where to start? Let me share the first two things to consider as you think about this move…

5 Tips for a Career Pivot

Planning a career change? Follow these 5 tips for a successful career pivot! There is only one thing constant in your life, and that is change. It is prevalent, and it is inevitable. You cannot escape it, no matter how hard you might try. But you can accept it and actually make it work for […]


After a year in a pandemic, what reflections have you done about where you are in life and your career? Now is a great time to reinvent who you are and what you do… Check out my short video below…


Getting unstuck and moving forward in your career Are you feeling… Stuck? Feeling trapped? Feeling there is no way out? You might be stuck in your thoughts or in an uninspiring job or career. Your life may be on hold. You might feel that something is not letting you step forward. It may feel like a […]


Unhappy in your job….we all get down and not sure….this pain or uneasiness may be telling you something. Check out my short video to learn more…


What do you think of loyalty and staying with a company? Will it save your job?