Crisis and Opportunity

How do you handle a crisis?  Is it with fear?  Is it with confidence?  Do you see the opportunity and learning that occurs with each setback? Check out my latest video on this topic:

Review in Year

Sometimes we need to look back and see what we accomplish and what it led to…


We can all learn from our past success.  Many times we leave breadcrumbs to follow… Listen to more below

Am I Happy

Am I Happy? How you thought about your career? Is the current world pandemic having you question your place and role?


Have you had any good conversations lately? Do you miss your iPhone? Check out my short video on what you should be doing right now. I would love to have a free strategy call with you: Free Strategy Call with me:


What art are you making today? We are all artists and we are each painting different pictures. Check out my short video to see what artist you are… [/et_pb_text][et_pb_video src=”” _builder_version=”4.3.4″][/et_pb_video][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.3.4″] So are you creating the life you want or creating a life or fear? [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

Come Together and Help Each Other Out

Please take a moment and watch this video…focus on others and help our country come together.   A few minutes will change your perspective. gratefull for all of those providing random acts of kindness and reaching out to their neighbors, friends and colleagues.  Together We Are Strong!

7 Days

Sometimes 7 Days seems like a lifetime ago…this was case this past week…listen for yourself… Take time each day to take care of yourself.  15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon.   This is so important.

Gratitude is my Attitude Activity

Sometimes we need to ground ourselves with what we have in our lives.  Take a moment to be grateful for who and what you have.  Download my free Activity here:  Attitude is my Gratitude Exercise I am grateful to have you in my life and following my articles and posts. Take care of yourself and […]

How to Manage Overwhelm with a Healthy Life/Work Balance

The importance of finding balance so you get don’t overwhelm. With today’s fast-paced world. Many of us are running at light speed as we are trying to be perfect at our jobs, perfect at home and in the end trying to be that superhuman. It is so hard today to create balance were find time […]