5 Ways to Reinvent Yourself to Achieve Your Dream Life

Do you remember being a teenager, a young soul searching for its path, following your passion, and deciding what it is that you wanted to do with yourself? I am sure many of you thought long and hard about the “road” and goals that would make you happy. Now you realize that maybe you should […]
What Do You Do at a Red Light?

What do you do at a red light? How are you feeling? Negative and Anxious or Positive and Calm…Listen and see what you can do to shift your energy.
One red light can change your life

Like most Americans, pulling up to a light that is just turning red is horrible. It seems like your life goes on hold forever as you constantly tap your fingers and keep looking up, hoping for the other light to change so that you can get moving. Why are we so impatient? Why do we […]
Five Ways Gratitude Can Boost your Career and Life
One of our most positive and compelling emotions is gratitude. Even though it is a physically and mentally healthy practice that we can quickly cultivate on our own, it is an emotion that many of us rarely experience. Many people get so caught up in the daily grind and the stress of everyday life that […]

Reach out and connect with someone. Take a minute out of your day to give some gratitude and check in with friends, family, or colleagues. Check out my short video. https://youtu.be/P9IcY7vR6Lo

3 Reasons to Practice Gratitude in Your Career When you have had a hard day at work or have not received a promotion, it can be hard to feel grateful. However, gratitude is essential to having a happy and healthy life and career. But what you are gaining from each work experience is more than […]

Unplug and Recharge – 5 Easy Ways and more Are you feeling sluggish….run down…just going through the motions? You need: Less time looking at your laptop More time reflecting and enjoying some silence Fewer minutes immersed in stress More minutes immersed in nature Less social media and news media exposure More time for gratitude If […]

Reflection is the Key You spend a significant amount of your time at your job each year. How can you make this an enjoyable and rewarding experience that you look forward to every day? You are probably wondering how you can boost your job satisfaction. One way that you can do this is by doing […]
The Importance of having Career Conversations with your Employees

A career conversation is an ongoing discussion with your employees to review and reflect on their skills and the steps they need to take to help them grow and succeed and to contribute more fully to your company. This conversation can help employees understand how well they have done and what the future looks like. […]
Holisitc Opportunities

I want to thank Mark Franklin and Rich Feller Ph.D. for their excellent training and experience. The past 4 months have been a great learning and integration of the skills and technology to help people tell their stories through the online storyteller to achieve the Holistic Narrative Career Professional (HNCP)certification. So grateful for the experience and the people I […]