what are you learning

Are you afraid of learning? Is your mind open to learning each day? It is essential if you want to grow and be successful in life and your career. Take a moment to listen in and see what I learned from my daughter… https://youtu.be/nXqzZwONjB8

The Benefits of Changing Careers

For an experienced professional, contemplating a career change can be just as challenging as actually going through with it. The fear of failure, the uncertainty, or the risk of these changes being irreversible can lead talented people with transferrable skills to stay comfortably where they are. However, there are many advantages to a career change. This article will […]

How To Change Your Career When Your Current Job Drains You

Are you stuck in a job that is not you? Do you face severe job burnout and wait restlessly for weekends? Are you lacking the motivation to start a new workday? Are you stuck in a career that is not satisfying you anymore? Then, It is time to switch careers! Confused? Ready for a career […]

Unique Gifts

What are your unique gifts in this world? More importantly, are you sharing these gifts with your community? Take a moment to see what you can do to start using your gifts more in your career. Check out my short video on this topic: https://youtu.be/FIA6C_TAf7E

If Today Were Your Last Day

If today were your last day? Recently, I watched a rerun of a 2005 Stanford University commencement address by Steve Jobs. This time, though, his story about death was more meaningful. Here are his words that I keep thinking about. “I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the […]

Quitting and Reflection

Are you thinking of quitting your job?  Have you really thought about why you want to leave… Take a few moments and listen to a few insightful thoughts to help you decide…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEGs1OigVys

You Are Just a Number. And You Are Replaceable, But You Can Be Yourself

You are probably like many others who have the dream of working for a company and moving up the corporate ladder. You give all your time and energy to growing within the company and to being rewarded with titles and compensation.  You are a loyal employee and you believe the company is loyal to you. Well, […]

How to Make a Career Change with Planning and Networking

Two important pieces of making a career change are planning and engaging your network…When thinking about quitting your job or changing a career…it is important to do some research and planning to have consistent action. watch my short video to learn more… https://youtu.be/DMDmkqpXC94

5 Steps To Make A Career Change

5 Steps To Make A Career Change Career changes are common, but they can also be challenging. Changing your field, position, or workplace comes with a myriad of issues. You must conquer such challenges to make a successful change.  Before you take a leap, you must be aware of what you will have to face during […]

Work-life balance must be a top priority in your life.

Work-life balance must be a top priority in your life. Let me show you have to achieve this essential balance. One of the most basic and significant things in your career is work-life balance. That is a critical ingredient of a fulfilled and happy life. Here is how to achieve it. Your work-life balance can […]