Why Do You Need Self-Care

https://youtu.be/LIblT0u1uyA Do you know about self-care? It is essential to function well in your life and career. Take a minute to hear more about ways you can incorporate self-care into your life…
3 ways to boost your career

3 Ways to Boost Your Career Are you feeling like your career is going nowhere? Do you have the desire for a more prominent role in your industry? It’s not uncommon for professionals to feel stuck in their careers. Sometimes certain circumstances will weigh upon us where we think there’s no way up. The truth […]
Are you a leader?

Are you a leader? I believe you are! As a leader, it is important to understand and use your energy well each day. Take a moment and watch this short two-minute video to learn more. https://youtu.be/h7ravS8uKCM
Two Ways to Gain Clarity in Your Career and Life

Let me share two ways you can gain clarity in your life and career. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=rna33UPHrLA&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fmarkdanaher.com%2F&embeds_referring_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fmarkdanaher.com&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDI4NjY2&feature=emb_logo
Failed Goals

Have you been rethinking your strategy to the goals you believed you would have moved forward on so far…It might be time for a reboot. https://youtu.be/-9f_s-hZTrc
Exercise – the foundation of your professional success

The path to success is long and hard. Exercise and good physical health are key for achieving eventual success. A commitment to improve your health is not just good in and of itself; it also aids in building discipline needed to advance your career. Endurance is the first (and most obvious) benefit of exercise. It […]
Herding Cats

One of the hardest things to do is to herd cats. It is almost impossible. As I think about this image, I wonder what you are doing to capture all your cats. What can you do to change your life to be better?Check out my latest video… https://youtu.be/dUh9HzTzGwo
Learning for Career Success

Continuing professional development is the key to success in your career. The jobs you do today are vastly different from those your parents did. In the US, work is no longer dominated by farming, mining or even manufacturing. Instead, it is dominated by marketers, analysts, and salespeople. The nature of work is constantly changing. In […]
What annoying things are you dealing with?

So what is annoying you? We all have things that we need to deal with and get through. How are you handling these times? How do you view these times? Your perspective is important as it helps you see things in a positive mindset…Listen for a little more perspective. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szPXJqIpXNE
Let Mindfulness Help You Advance Your Career

It’s easy to understand why mindfulness has entered the mainstream. It builds a sense of self-worth, focus, creativity, awareness, and happiness. It improves our sleep, reduces stress, and eases anxiety. There are even some indications that it improves our physical health and extends our lives. At work, it can make us happier and more fulfilled, […]