Three Steps to Gain Clarity in your Life and Career

What do you want out of life? How can you achieve the happiness you deserve? To answer these questions you will need clarity in your life and career. This article will describe the concept and outline three steps to achieve it. The Importance of Clarity in Your Career and Life Clarity helps you understand where […]

Are you Struggling? Are you feeling lonely, doubting yourself, and not sure what to do? Many people are struggling with the same. Check out my video to learn more…

Self Care is… What are you doing right now to take care of yourself? You often put others before yourself which is hurting you…take a minute to listen to some advice that you must implement each day!

I’m a Loser!!

Well, not exactly.  I don’t like losing, but it happens every day.  Maybe not losing, but failing. There is rarely a day when I do not experience some kind of failure.  It could be minor, like spilling something on my shirt, to something bigger.   I have learned to embrace failure. Failure is an important part […]

Questions to Ask to Live Your Best Life

How much time are you investing in yourself? Do you take time to reflect on where you are and where you want to be? Listen to my short video about 3 questions you should ask yourself to live your best life!

Herding Cats

One of the hardest things to do is to herd cats.   It is almost impossible.  As I think about this image, I wonder what you are doing to capture all your cats.  What can you do to change your life to be better?Check out my latest video…

What annoying things are you dealing with?

So what is annoying you?  We all have things that we need to deal with and get through.  How are you handling these times?  How do you view these times?  Your perspective is important as it helps you see things in a positive mindset…Listen for a little more perspective.

Your Job Search is like Operating a Smiwwing Pool

Have you ever tried to keep a pool operating well for the summer season?  Well, there can be many frustrations and unknowns even with the help of youtube and google.  In the end, what do you do?  The same can be said of the job search and dead ends and many frustrations you face there.  […]

How To Change Your Career When Your Current Job Drains You

Are you stuck in a job that is not you? Do you face severe job burnout and wait restlessly for weekends? Are you lacking the motivation to start a new workday? Are you stuck in a career that is not satisfying you anymore? Then, It is time to switch careers! Confused? Ready for a career […]