5 Steps To Make A Career Change

5 Steps To Make A Career Change Career changes are common, but they can also be challenging. Changing your field, position, or workplace comes with a myriad of issues. You must conquer such challenges to make a successful change.  Before you take a leap, you must be aware of what you will have to face during […]

Starting a Career Change

Are you considering a career change? Do you know where to start? Let me share the first two things to consider as you think about this move… https://youtu.be/AGGnzOlrNeI

Work-life balance must be a top priority in your life.

Work-life balance must be a top priority in your life. Let me show you have to achieve this essential balance. One of the most basic and significant things in your career is work-life balance. That is a critical ingredient of a fulfilled and happy life. Here is how to achieve it. Your work-life balance can […]

Work-life balance must be a top priority in your life.

Work-life balance must be a top priority in your life. Let me show you have to achieve this essential balance. One of the most basic and significant things in your career is work-life balance. That is a critical ingredient of a fulfilled and happy life. Here is how to achieve it. Your work-life balance can […]

5 Tips for a Career Pivot

Planning a career change? Follow these 5 tips for a successful career pivot! There is only one thing constant in your life, and that is change. It is prevalent, and it is inevitable. You cannot escape it, no matter how hard you might try. But you can accept it and actually make it work for […]

Reinvent Yourself to your true Calling

Yes, You Can Reinvent Yourself During A Pandemic: Here Is How To Connect To Your True Calling Many people have one thing in common almost a year and a half into the pandemic. They are uncertain about their career and have started reinventing themselves for an alternative career. If you are considering doing this as well, I […]

5 Ways to Reinvent Yourself to Achieve Your Dream Life

Do you remember being a teenager, a young soul searching for its path, following your passion, and deciding what it is that you wanted to do with yourself? I am sure many of you thought long and hard about the “road” and goals that would make you happy.  Now you realize that maybe you should […]

One red light can change your life

Like most Americans, pulling up to a light that is just turning red is horrible. It seems like your life goes on hold forever as you constantly tap your fingers and keep looking up, hoping for the other light to change so that you can get moving. Why are we so impatient? Why do we […]

Are you Tigger or Pooh in your Life?

Are you more like Tigger in how you go about life?  Carefree and a risk-taker – jump right in or are you more like pooh?   Friendly and sweet who bumbles into things without noticing? https://youtu.be/BUY7t7EzF14

Five Ways Gratitude Can Boost your Career and Life

One of our most positive and compelling emotions is gratitude. Even though it is a physically and mentally healthy practice that we can quickly cultivate on our own, it is an emotion that many of us rarely experience. Many people get so caught up in the daily grind and the stress of everyday life that […]